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Meditation in Florida (U.S.A.)

Cours de méditation à Montréal

Meditation and workshops

in Orlando

Inspirit Yoga Studio

7575 Kingspointe Pkwy

Unit #21

Orlando, Fl 32819


Meditation workshops 

with Lama Samten

Finding inner peace through meditation

with Tibetan Master Lama Samten


From Tibetan Buddhist philosophy point of view, meditation implies habituating the mind to a state of peace and wisdom. All of Buddha's teachings are aimed at meditation, and he explained in a very precise way how the mind functions. Through better understanding of the positive, neutral and negative aspects of our mind, we can gradually become our own true guide and master and create our own happiness.


Lama Samten was born in Tibet and became monk at the age of 15. He escaped to India tu pursue his studies, as did H.H. Dalai-Lama. After 17 years of intensive Buddhist philosophy studies, he received the title of Geshe, or Buddhist philosophy Doctor. Lama Samten share with immense joy and love these ancien teachings, and will do it for the first time in Florida, accompanied by his assistant Jason Simard.. Welcome to all, beginners or advanced!


Friday, July 8th from 18:00 to 20:00

Venue : Inspirit Yoga Studio, 7575 Kingspointe Parkway Unit #21, Orlando, Florida 32819

Click here to register. 



Finding happiness in ourself

with Tibetan Master Lama Samten


For the Buddhist way of thinking, happiness doesn't come only from outside, but mainly from our own mind, from our way to see and adapt to events. To find true and long lasting happiness, we need to understand its true causes and cultivate them. Love, compassion and wisdom are the main tools for individual, familial and universal happiness. 


Lama Samten was born in Tibet and became monk at the age of 15. He escaped to India tu pursue his studies, as did H.H. Dalai-Lama. After 17 years of intensive Buddhist philosophy studies, he received the title of Geshe, or Buddhist philosophy Doctor. Lama Samten share with immense joy and love these ancien teachings, and will do it for the first time in Florida, accompanied by his assistant Jason Simard. Welcome to all, beginners or advanced!


Saturday, July 9th from 11h30 to 13h30

Venue : Inspirit Yoga Studio, 7575 Kingspointe Parkway Unit #21, Orlando, Florida 32819

Click here to register. 


Meditation in Toronto and Ontario

Tél: (437) 888-8864

27 Davies Ave. #2

Toronto, ON

M4M 2A9

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The Paramita Centre is a Tibetan buddhist Centre offering meditation sessions, Buddhist Philosophy Teachings, following the tradition of H.H. Dalaï-Lama in Toronto and Ontario.

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