Meditation Courses, Workshops & Retreats
Our meditation courses are meant for beginners as well as for more advanced meditators. Although our groups are mostly made up of first-time meditators, there are also those who have already practiced meditation and are seeking another technique. There are as well those who wish to take the course for the second or third time in order to improve their meditative skills. You can check at the full schedule to see when starts the next Meditation Course (usually 10 weeks). Each course will include some instructions, time for group practice and time at the end for questions.
If you scroll down this page, you can check some of the videos explaining a bit about meditation; you can find also more of these videos in English or French on our Youtube Chanel. You will see also below the traditional image explaining the steps of meditation for the person trying to calm down the mind.
During the 10 weeks course, will be studied:
- the meaning of meditation
- the preparations for a good meditation
- the conducive conditions to put into place in our life for achieving a calm mind
- the hindrances preventing our mind to abide calmly
- the antidotes to remove these hindrances
- the steps onto which the mind progresses
- and more!
If you cannot commit for the whole course of if you just want to try a one time event, we have different workshops that will introduce you to Meditation and Buddhist philosophy. You can see the next ones on the full schedule.
Also available, are MEDITATION RETREATS of ONE, TWO or FIVE days or more meant for those desirous of attaining a more profound state of calm-abiding. The meditation course serves generally as an introduction and dwells only briefly on Buddhist teaching. It focuses primarily on the methods for attaining calm-abiding and a better understanding of the mind and emotions.
You can check Paramita Centre's full program to know which course you can follow after Calm-Abiding Meditation course.