Introduction to Calm-Abiding Meditation Workshop
Tue, Jun 11
Tuesday, June 11, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Time & Location
Jun 11, 2024, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Toronto, 27 Davies Ave Suite 2, Toronto, ON M4M 2A9, Canada
About the event
Welcome to all!
It is well known that the primary purpose of the Buddha's teaching is to attain happiness of enlightenment by practicing two forms of meditation: concentration meditation and analytical meditation. The first aims at achieving calm-abiding (shamatha), while the second aims to gaining special insight (vipashyana) .
This workshop is meant for beginners as well as for more advanced meditators. Although our groups are mostly made up of first-time meditators, there are also those who have already practiced meditation and are seeking another technique. There are also meditators who wish improve their meditative skills. During the session (an hour and a half, including a short break), the facilitator will give a quick primer on the fundamental elements necessary to attain calm-abiding according to Buddha's teachings: the preparations, the posture, the necessary conditions, the hindrances and how to overcome them, etc. There will be time for a short practice as well as questions.
The workshop facilitator is Jeremy Cacho-Lim (OCT 663329).